Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A New...

colored pencil on gessoed vintage wallpaper

...way to play.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Gratitude List

Last night I created an artful gratitude list.
If you'd like one too, email me and I will send you the file!
Simply fill in the bubbles with your heartfelt gratitudes.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Cardboard Art

Cardboard.  It really is quite magical.
You give a child a cardboard box and they are entertained for hours.
My daughter did it.
My step kids do it.

While getting ready to take some boxes out to the recycler, I decided to whack off a few pieces to play with.  And play I did.

I am currently working three part time jobs to equal full time: working 7 days a week.
Glory Be...I've been making sure there is still time to create.  These three pieces were created this weekend.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Things To Do

6 x 9 inches - pen and watercolor

Today, remember to:

breath tenderly

hug firmly

look at the sky

sink back into yourself


This artwork is available in my Etsy shop.  Click HERE!