Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Day Late

Remember earlier this week, you got to see my creative mess?! CLICK HERE
Oh, the sweet irony.  All that mess but I can't stand to have my embroidery floss messy.  And it must be grouped by colors!

This morning I made the most beautiful johnny cakes I have ever made!  Yum!

Three new wee drawings!
OH!  And I am very grateful that one of my drawings was featured on a blog.  CLICK HERE to see.


  1. I love arranging things by color. When I eat M & M's I arrange them according to color, then eat them starting with the lowest number and working my way up. Thanks for linking our post. Your mess is pretty neat. By the way, is a Johnny cake the same as a hotcake? Very pretty.

  2. I use to arrange my M&M's by color too! Do you remember in the 70's they had the light brown ones. I miss those.
    A johnny cake is a cornmeal pancake. They are yummy.
